Spring is hopping at Rainbow. There’s new fashions in the clothing department, so that the whole family will be ready to enjoy all the spring activities. There’s flowers and veggie starts, potting soil and irrigation supplies to get your garden, large or small, growing. There’s new battery-powered Outdoor Power Equipment to make mowing the lawn, trimming the weeds or pruning the trees quick and easy. And, in Ukiah, there’s Brickyard Building Materials to make that patio, deck or outdoor space into the coolest hang-out around!
The equine department has all the tack, grooming tools, supplements and supplies to get your ponies cleaned up and shiny for the busy event season that is already starting. From annual favorites, like the Potter Valley Festival and Rodeo held on Memorial Weekend, to new events that are sure to be hits, take a look at some of the fun coming up and get them on the calendar. Check ‘em out below, and come into Rainbow to stock up on everything you need for Spring Riding Season!

Events Events Events!
Lake County Horse Council Junior Members are planning the first Gymkhana Saddle Series, which will be held April 21, 2024 at Gaddy Shack Ranch in Kelseyville. With divisions from Lead Line and Pee-Wee, to Adults over 35, this will be a fun series for everyone! The first Gymkhana will be a fundraiser for the Juniors to attend the Western States Horse Expo in June. LCHC Juniors are seeking sponsors to help get this event going. Questions? Contact Debbie at DeLL104993@aol.com. View Sponsor Information. View Entry.
More events! The first ever Tri-Valley Gymkhana Series will feature three of our area’s local arenas. The series will begin in Potter Valley on Monday, May 27, with following gymkhanas on Saturday June 22 at the Redwood Riders Arena in Redwood Valley, Saturday July 20 at the Willits Junior Horsemen’s Arena in Willits, and finish back in Potter Valley on August 10. Beginners and riders of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. Classic gymkhana events, series high point awards and cash payouts! View flier here for more information.
Rodeo Weekend in Potter Valley is coming up fast. Entries, vendor application and the Royalty contest are all starting now. Get all the information and download forms at Potter Valley Rodeo website!
One more – clean out the tack room, then fill it right back up again! On Saturday April 27 from 10 AM To 2 PM, there will be a Tack Swap at the Redwood Riders Arena. Buy, sell, trade or just check it all out. $15.00 per space – text Kitty at 707 485 4277 to reserve your space. View Flier.
Highland Springs Equestrian Center has a variety of events planned for 2024, including clinics, veterinarian seminars and obstacle course practices. Check out their calendar at their website.
John Tilley of Flying T Equine is starting his popular trail and obstacle clinics, with upcoming dates of APRIL 6th, and APRIL 27and 28. These fun, confidence-building sessions always fill up fast!
April 6, at Cole Creek Equestrian Center in Kelseyville, there will be a Purina Equine Nutrition Seminar. This Equine Educational Event begins at 10 AM. View flier.
Showing some other critter besides horses? Get your 4H or FFA young showman off to a great start with one of these Show Ring Seminars from Purina, which will discuss selection, fitting, nutrition, showing, and management of livestock, focusing on preparing for this summers Fairs. Two clinics are offered – at the Lakeport Rainbow Ag on April 6th, 1 -3 PM and in Middletown at Rainbow Ag on April 7, 9 – 11 AM.
Trivia! Enter to win a $15 Rainbow Coupon, good on any purchase at Rainbow stores. The March question was, Who wants you to tell them what to do? The answer is the Ukiah Valley Trail Group, which had a survey for trail users to let them know how you use local trails and what features you would like to see. Our winner was Dane Downing.
This month’s question is, which Gymkhana event this year will travel to 3 local arenas?