Happy New Year!
As we gallop into 2023, Rainbow Ag wishes you all a healthy and happy year ahead.
May you always ride a good horse!
Northern California is starting off the year with a nice, healthy and welcome RAIN! Remember that Rainbow is your headquarters for rainy-weather supplies for your rural lifestyle. Tarps, rain boots, rain gear (for every member of your family, including waterproof blankets for your ponies), hand tools for clearing ditches, chain saws for bucking up fallen trees, stall mats, pumps … Rainbow can help!
Here’s something fun and educational to do on a January Sunday afternoon! Head over to Lakeport and the Lake County Fairgrounds for the 3rd Equine Educational Event, sponsored by Purina and Rainbow Ag. The presenter is nationally-renown research veterinarian, Dr. Kelly Vineyard, Senior Nutritionist with Purina Research. A life-long horse lover, Dr. Vineyard has traveled around the country educating about equine nutrition. She has special interest in nutritional immunology, performance horse nutrition and nutritionally-related medical conditions, so bring your questions on January 22 at 1:00 PM to the Lake County Fairgrounds. See you there!
Winter stall cleaning is hard on manure forks! Get an extra, just in case (you know those missing tines make the job a real pain!) and save 20% with this month’s Subscriber Coupon! And, do you ever have enough buckets? Just print out the coupon or show us on your phone to save 20% on Miller buckets and Manure Forks.
It has been a busy season, and Ms. Trivia Person is taking some time off, but Rainbow is still giving a $15.00 Coupon to the winner of this random drawing. Just tell us what you like best about Rainbow Ag! All entries will be included in a random drawing.
The last Trivia question of 2022 was, Who will be visiting the Ukiah Rainbow store on December 3rd? The answer, of course, was Santa! He was there in person for SNAP’s Pet Photos with Santa fundraiser. Our winner is Dane Downing.