It’s been a busy spring at Rainbow! Staff enjoyed seeing everyone during the Spring Anniversary Sale, but probably the Popcorn was the biggest hit! Get your free snack the next time you come in – Popcorn is Back!
Want to learn more about caring for Rabbits? Check out Rabbit Day at the Ukiah Rainbow store, on Saturday May 21 from 10 AM -12 PM. Learn about the different breeds of rabbits, how to feed and care for them, and some rabbit showmanship basics, presented by members of the local 4H Rabbit group.
Spring is also kitten season, and our local shelters are overflowing with fuzzy cuteness! All those kittens require many hands and a lot of KMR – Kitten Milk Replacer! If you can help feed some orphan kitties just look for the donation bins at your local Rainbow store. The shelters are in desperate need of KMR, quality wet kitten food and bottles and nipples. A few more helping hands are always welcome too! Fosters and adopters can contact the local shelter for more information.
There are also many puppies at the shelters right now! Puppy food, toys, towels and bleach are gratefully accepted.
Coming up – Fairs and Shows! Most of the planned events are returning to the pre-pandemic live format and the 4H and FFA youth are working hard to prepare their show animals. Rainbow is helping out with educational seminars on feeding, showing and preparing for the fairs.
The Potter Valley Rodeo and Spring Festival is coming up, Memorial Day weekend, May 27 through 30 and Rainbow will be there! Wave to everyone on the Rainbow float in the Main Street Parade on Saturday at 10 AM in downtown Potter Valley, then join in the fun at the rodeo grounds for BBQ, Axe Throwing Contest and Junior Rodeo. New this year – Bull Riding Jackpot and Ranch Bronc Riding, along with the always-popular Starlight Dance. On Sunday, CCRPA Rodeo will be the excitement for the afternoon.
See the schedule here.
Check out some of the great new styles in the Rainbow Clothing Department, too! Great gifts for Grads, Dads and … yourself!
Time to get mowing – those foxtails don’t belong in your yard, or your pet’s ears! Veterinarians see many pets this time of year, to treat foxtails in eyes, ears and nose. Mowing down foxtail grasses is the best way to keep your pets safe, and keeping your property mowed also prepares for the coming fire season. Check out the variety of mowers available at Rainbow – and there are experts on staff who can guide you to exactly the right solution for your situation.
There’s some fun new colors and styles of leashes, harnesses and collars for your dogs and cats. Pick something that stands out and looks great on your pooch or kitty. All sizes available, too!
Trivia – Enter to win a $15.00 Rainbow Coupon, good on any purchase!
The April question was, true or false, is Hay a good food for bunnies? If you answered True, good for you! You were one of the 35 entries in a random drawing for the Coupon. Our winner was Taylor, from Ukiah.
This month’s question is, who is presenting Rabbit Day on May 21?